We're discovering the most effective way to turn ideas into profitable businesses.
Overview of potential challenges and opportunities when integrating Next.js 13 and the new app directory into an existing codebase.
First-time founders focus on product, second-time founders focus on distribution. Can we do both?
How we designed and developed a new website for EAC, a leader in the financial outsourcing industry.
It's easy as a developer to get carried away with automation. "If only x was built, I wouldn't have to worry about y", is a common trap. Here's how to avoid it.
We came up with two strategies for implementing a payments collection method. One gets prison, one doesn't.
You launched your network and nobody's sticking around...now what?
It's one of those things that nobody tells you to do when you're building cool things with other people. It's something we had to realize, learn, and fix.
Design Technology
Today, most people would simplify design tokens by describing them as a key-value pair. A name and a value. However, we created a way for a single design token to have multiple values.
Once compiled and transformed, the output is no longer a design token. Instead, it's simply what it is: a key value pair fit for the platform. A variable in a form the platform can understand.
Responsive Design 2.0: themes, accessibility, and customization. It only takes one innovator with one great experience to show what is possible and to change our users' expectations forever.